is a plugin for Baidu's FIS and supplied a command to generate the JSDoc documents.
npm install fis-command-jsdoc -g
Unfamiliar with npm
? Don't have node installed? That's a-okay. npm stands for node packaged modules and is a way to manage development dependencies through node.js. Download and install node.js before proceeding.
jsdoc >= 3.2.2
tmp >= 0.0.24
spawn-sync >= 1.0.0
ink-docstrap >= 0.4.12
Usage: jsdoc [options]
-h, --help output usage information
--src <source> The source file or directories for Generating
--dest <destination> The destination of JSDoc. The document will generate to the "docs" directory in your project in default.
--conf <path> The configuration of JSDoc. It may be overwrited by the setting in fis-conf.js
--template <templatePath> The JSDoc template path
--verbose Debug options
fis.config.set('settings.jsdoc', {
//Setting source files
'src': ["static/js/outer.js","static/module/sendOuter.js"],
//Include fis-conf.js for declearing the namespace and the packing strategy
'includeFisConf': true
"tags": {
"allowUnknownTags": true
"plugins": ["plugins/markdown"],
"templates": {
"outputSourceFiles": true
"systemName": "Outer module",
"linenums": true,
"inverseNav": true,
"copyright": "Baidu"
"lenient": true,
"markdown": {
"parser": "gfm",
"hardwrap": true
jello jsdoc --conf jsdoc-conf.js
or fis jsdoc --conf jsdoc-conf.js
0.1.2 Released Undependence spawn-Sync
0.1.0 Released