- Node.JS installed
- IDE of your choice installed
- Git Version control
- Github Account
- Fork this repository
- Clone your fork down on your local machine
- Open your project in an IDE of your choice
- Create a react application
- Github will be your Backend API (https://docs.github.com/en/rest)
- Display Users Profiles (Name, Profile small profile pic) out on a styled list. Users to display: [joshatxantie, joeatxantie, yours, other random ones you find...]
- When a user clicks on a profile in the list, navigate to another page, that shows their Name, Profile Image, Bio text, link to their profile.
- Commit your changes, push to git and create a pull request
- Usage of state/cache
- Components - modularization
- Usage of hooks
- React Router
- Functional/Class Components
- Get to the project to an MVP state, before going into detail (Styling, etc..). Focus on functionality!
- Get creative, the steps are just an outline of what is needed.