Turn 173 spawn into SCP-1162. If you drop an item inside the "cage"/room of Scp-173 you will get another one.
# Is the plugin enabled?
is_enabled: true
# Use Hints instead of Broadcast?
use_hints: true
# Change the message that displays when you drop an item through SCP-1162.
item_drop_message: <i>You try to drop the item through <color=yellow>SCP-1162</color> to get another...</i>
item_drop_message_duration: 5
# The list of possible items.
- KeycardO5
- SCP500
- MicroHID
- KeycardNTFCommander
- KeycardContainmentEngineer
- SCP268
- GunCOM15
- GrenadeFrag
- SCP207
- Adrenaline
- GunUSP
- KeycardFacilityManager
- Medkit
- KeycardNTFLieutenant
- KeycardSeniorGuard
- Disarmer
- KeycardZoneManager
- KeycardScientistMajor
- KeycardGuard
- Radio
- Ammo556
- Ammo762
- Ammo9mm
- GrenadeFlash
- WeaponManagerTablet
- KeycardScientist
- KeycardJanitor
- Coin
- Flashlight
EXILED 6.0.0 must be installed for this to work.
Place the "SCP1162.dll" file in your Plugins folder.
Windows: %appdata%/EXILED/Plugins
Linux: .config/EXILED/Plugins