This repository contains a proof-of-concept implementation of a decentralized anonymous transaction scheme using zk-SNARKs that finds a balance between privacy and auditability.
To compile this code we assume that the most recent version of Rust stable is installed. Compilation can be done using:
$ cargo build --release
Compilation will generate two binaries demo_server
and demo_client
that can be run respectively by:
$ cargo run --bin demo_server --release
$ cargo run --bin demo_client --release
One should run exactly one server and at least one client.
First time startup of either client or server generates zk-SNARK proof parameters that will be stored for future calls. This might take up quite some time, but only needs to be done once. We advise first starting the server and waiting for the parameter generation be completed and only then start clients. After a first time run, the order is not relevant any longer.
Each client and the server will present a list of commands with explanations. The client commands can be used to create transactions and retrieve the most recent status of the blockchain. The server commands can be used to generate new blocks and view the current blockchain status.