The cdk.json
file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute the app.
sudo npm install -g aws-cdk
to install AWS CDK CLInpm install
to install all dependencies for the projectcurl "" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg"; sudo installer -pkg ./AWSCLIV2.pkg -target /
to install AWS CLI
$ cdk --version
2.103.0 (build d0d7547)
$ aws --version
aws-cli/2.13.29 Python/3.11.6 Darwin/22.6.0 exe/x86_64 prompt/off
$ npx ts-node --version
- Add
file containing details around the account ID, which region to use, and the default gateway ID in the account's default VPC
ACCOUNT='your account number <123456789>'
REGION='your desired region <us-east-2>'
IGW='internet gateway ID <igw-12abcd45>'
- Create a programmatic user under console to use its creds with aws-cli and configure it in CLI
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: A*****************7
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: R**************************************M
Default region name [None]: ap-southeast-2
Default output format [None]: json
- Now, you should be able to run
cdk diff
$ cdk diff
Stack StaticWebsiteVpcStack
IAM Statement Changes
│ │ Resource │ Effect │ Action │ Principal │ Condition │
│ + │ ${PrivateInstanceRole.Arn} │ Allow │ sts:AssumeRole │ │ │
│ + │ ${PublicInstanceRole.Arn} │ Allow │ sts:AssumeRole │ │ │
│ + │ arn:aws:s3:::wzag-serverless-website/* │ Allow │ s3:GetObject │ AWS:* │ │
Security Group Changes
│ │ Group │ Dir │ Protocol │ Peer │
│ + │ ${PrivateSubnetSecurityGroup.GroupId} │ In │ TCP 22 │ Everyone (IPv4) │
│ + │ ${PrivateSubnetSecurityGroup.GroupId} │ In │ TCP 80 │ Everyone (IPv4) │
│ + │ ${PrivateSubnetSecurityGroup.GroupId} │ In │ TCP 443 │ Everyone (IPv4) │
│ + │ ${PrivateSubnetSecurityGroup.GroupId} │ Out │ Everything │ Everyone (IPv4) │
│ + │ ${PublicSubnetSecurityGroup.GroupId} │ In │ TCP 22 │ Everyone (IPv4) │
│ + │ ${PublicSubnetSecurityGroup.GroupId} │ In │ TCP 80 │ Everyone (IPv4) │
│ + │ ${PublicSubnetSecurityGroup.GroupId} │ In │ TCP 443 │ Everyone (IPv4) │
│ + │ ${PublicSubnetSecurityGroup.GroupId} │ Out │ Everything │ Everyone (IPv4) │
(NOTE: There may be security-related changes not in this list. See
Other Changes
[+] Unknown Rules: {"CheckBootstrapVersion":{"Assertions":[{"Assert":{"Fn::Not":[{"Fn::Contains":[["1","2","3","4","5"],{"Ref":"BootstrapVersion"}]}]},"AssertDescription":"CDK bootstrap stack version 6 required. Please run 'cdk bootstrap' with a recent version of the CDK CLI."}]}}
✨ Number of stacks with differences: 2