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MyMDT Data Wallet Web App

MyMDT is a VueJS Web App and Data Wallet front-end for Measurable Data Token (MDT). MDT measures the value of anonymous data points contributed by users and distributes Data Rewards via the MyMDT App. Users can earn, transfer and redeem MDT rewards. It can be integrated into a mobile app or used as a web application. Learn more about Measurable Data Token and its Decentralized Data Exchange Economy, please visit

Localhost Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run serve

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

# run unit tests
npm run test:unit

# run e2e tests
npm run test:e2e

You might also need to set .env*. For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide.

Development Guideline

  • If your changes might affect e2e testing scenarios, please run npm run test:e2e in local to make sure it works before creating PR

Docker setup

# build docker images
npm run build-docker

# run docker containers
npm run run-docker

# cleanup
npm run clean-docker

Note that only .env is read for this setup.


Data Wallet for Measurable Data Token







No packages published


  • Vue 67.5%
  • JavaScript 31.4%
  • Other 1.1%