OS: Windows 10
- Xilinx
- Diligent
Language: Verilog
Hardware / FPGA device: Nexys 3 Spartan-6 FPGA, 100 MHz
Basic instructions:
add addi addu sub subu
and andi or nor xor
bgtz bne j jr
lw sw
Additional instructions:
slt sltu sll srl sra sllv srlv srav jal
addiu ori xori lui slti sltiu beq
- Deviding by zero interruption (1)
- Overflow interruption (1)
- Instruction interruption (2)
- Breakpoint interruption (3)
- Single-step int (3)
- Stall
- Forwarding *1
- Forwarding *2
- Check RAM sequentially
- Check RAM with FPGA switches