C1 Language in this course is a subset of C Programming Language. It doesn't include holistic type systems.
Only integer
and array of integers
and are supported, and they can be described with const
Functions in C1 do not have any parameters or return value.
The grammar can be describe in EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) as below:
CompUnit → [ CompUnit ] ( Decl | FuncDef )
Decl → ConstDecl | VarDecl
ConstDecl → const int ConstDef { , ConstDef } ';'
ConstDef → ident '=' Exp | ident '[' [ Exp ] ']' '=' '{' Exp { ',' Exp } '}'
VarDecl → int Var { , Var } ';'
Var → ident | ident '[' Exp ']' | ident '=' Exp
| ident '[' [ Exp ] ']' '=' '{' Exp { ',' Exp } '}'
FuncDef → void ident '(' ')' Block
Block →'{' { BlockItem } '}'
BlockItem → Decl | Stmt
Stmt → LVal '=' Exp ';' | ident '(' ')' ';' | Block
| if '( Cond ')' Stmt [ else Stmt ] | while '(' Cond ')' Stmt | ';'
LVal → ident | ident '[' Exp ']'
Cond → Exp RelOp Exp
RelOp →'==' | '!=' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>='
Exp → Exp BinOp Exp | UnaryOp Exp | '(' Exp ')' | LVal | number
BinOp → '+' | '−' | '*' | '/' | '%'
UnaryOp → '+' | '−'
Generate AST for each program written in C1 language. Prerequest and usage can be seen in CompilePrinciple2017/C1recognizer/README.md
The grammar is described using ANTLR.
Genrate a CLI tool, which is capable of compiling C1 code into LLVM IR, print it and execute it.
Using the AST generated with C1recognizer, and LLVM IRBuilder.
How to compile and install:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DLLVM_DIR=/your/llvm/installation/lib/cmake/llvm -Dc1recognizer_DIR=/your/c1recgonizer/installation/cmake ..
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your/install/prefix ..
make install
make -j
After these steps, an executable program c1i
will be generated under the build directory. c1i
can accept one input file, and generate
the LLVM IR code of it. If parameter -emit-llvm
is used, the program will print the generated code; otherwise, it will execute the input program.