gentoo docker image with crossdev to aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
Format SDcard with msdos partition-table and this layout (F2FS for sda3): /dev/sda1 fat32 128MiB /dev/sda2 swap 2GiB /dev/sda3 f2fs rest
Mount /dev/sda3 on /mnt/gentoo and /dev/sda1 on /mnt/gentoo/boot
Run: ./ /mnt/gentoo
- TODO: docker run -d image ... ports
- Stage3: Download the latest arm64 stage3 from: and place it in ./target-files.
- Update the STAGE3_DATE variable in ./Dockerfile
- Run ./ - which does:
- docker build: Create amd64 host with arm64 inside (/usr/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu)
- docker run: Update arm64 in qemu-chroot
- docker commit: Create final image from container of last step
- docker push: Push the final image