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SOAP Client Library Usage

Juraj Ďurech edited this page May 14, 2019 · 7 revisions

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This chapter explains how to use SOAP client.

Obtaining the New Activation Data

To generate a new activation data for a given user ID, call the initActivation method of the PowerAuthServiceClient instance.

In response, you will obtain a new activation data. Your goal is to display activationIdShort, activationOtp and optionally activationSignature attributes in user interface so that a user can enter these information in his PowerAuth Client application.

Also, you will receive activationId in the response that you can use to query for activation status or to commit the activation. Finally, response contains the userId as a back-reference to your request data.

// Your actual user identifier
String userId = "1234";

// Short way to read the activations
InitActivationResponse activation = powerAuthServiceClient.initActivation(userId);

// More control over how the activation is created
Long maximumFailedAttempts = 10; // default: 5
Date expireBefore = dateIn10Minutes; // default: in 2 minutes
InitActivationResponse activation = powerAuthServiceClient.initActivation(userId, maximumFailedAttempts, expireBefore);

// ... or using the original SOAP request-response notion ...
InitActivationRequest request = new InitActivationRequest();
request.setMaxFailureCount(maximumFailedAttempts); // optional
request.setTimestampActivationExpire(xmlCalendarWithDate(expireBefore)); // optional
InitActivationResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.initActivation(request);

Committing Activation

To commit an activation with given activationId, call the commitActivation method of the PowerAuthServiceClient instance. You should allow committing an activation as soon as it changes it's state from CREATED (initial state) to OTP_USED (state after the key exchange is complete).

// Your actual activation identifier
String activationId = "509d4c95-ef0d-4338-ab3a-64e730921fd1";

// Short way to block the activation
CommitActivationResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.commitActivation(activationId);

// ... or using the original SOAP request-response notion ...
CommitActivationRequest request = new CommitActivationRequest();
CommitActivationResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.commitActivation(request);

Getting the List and Detail For the Given Activation

To get the list of activations for a given user ID, call the getActivationListForUser method of the PowerAuthServiceClient instance. Use this method to display the list of activations in a user interface, for the purpose of activation management. Each activation contains following attributes:

  • activationId - Identifier of the activation.
  • activationStatus - Status of the activation: CREATED, OTP_USED, ACTIVE, BLOCKED, or REMOVED.
  • activationName - Name of the activation, as the user created it.
  • userId - Reference to the user to whom the activation belongs.
  • timestampCreated - Timestamp representing the moment an activation was created (milliseconds since the Unix epoch start).
  • timestampLastUsed - Timestamp representing the moment an activation was last used for signature verification (milliseconds since the Unix epoch start).
  • extras - Extra data, content depends on application specific requirements.
// Your actual user identifier
String userId = "1234";

// Short way to read the activations
List<Activations> activations = powerAuthServiceClient.getActivationListForUser(userId);

// ... or using the original SOAP request-response notion ...
GetActivationListForUserRequest request = new GetActivationListForUserRequest();
GetActivationListForUserResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.getActivationListForUser(request);
List<Activations> activations = response.getActivations();

You can also get a detail of an individual activation based on activationId by calling the getActivationStatus method of the PowerAuthServiceClient.

// Your actual activation identifier
String activationId = "509d4c95-ef0d-4338-ab3a-64e730921fd1";

// Short way to read the activation status
GetActivationStatusResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.getActivationStatus(activationId);

// ... or using the original SOAP request-response notion ...
GetActivationStatusRequest request = new GetActivationStatusRequest();
GetActivationStatusResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.getActivationStatus(request);

Blocking, Unblocking and Removing Activation

To block an activation with given activationId, call the blockActivation method of the PowerAuthServiceClient instance. Only activations in ACTIVE state can be blocked.

// Your actual activation identifier
String activationId = "509d4c95-ef0d-4338-ab3a-64e730921fd1";
String blockedReason = "NOT_SPECIFIED";

// Short way to block the activation
BlockActivationResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.blockActivation(activationId, blockedReason);

// ... or using the original SOAP request-response notion ...
BlockActivationRequest request = new BlockActivationRequest();
BlockActivationResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.blockActivation(request);

To unblock an activation with given activationId, call the unblockActivation method of the PowerAuthServiceClient instance. Only activations in BLOCKED state can be unblocked.

// Your actual activation identifier
String activationId = "509d4c95-ef0d-4338-ab3a-64e730921fd1";

// Short way to unblock the activation
UnblockActivationResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.unblockActivation(activationId);

// ... or using the original SOAP request-response notion ...
UnblockActivationRequest request = new UnblockActivationRequest();
UnblockActivationResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.unblockActivation(request);

To remove an activation with given activationId, call the removeActivation method of the PowerAuthServiceClient instance. Note that unlike with the PowerAuth Standard RESTful API (usually called by PowerAuth Client), this call does not require PowerAuth authorization signature. You can remove activation in any activation state.

// Your actual activation identifier
String activationId = "509d4c95-ef0d-4338-ab3a-64e730921fd1";

// Short way to remove the activation
RemoveActivationResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.removeActivation(activationId);

// ... or using the original SOAP request-response notion ...
RemoveActivationRequest request = new RemoveActivationRequest();
RemoveActivationResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.removeActivation(request);

Getting the Signature Audit Records

To get the list of performed signature attempts for a given user ID, call the getSignatureAuditLog method of the PowerAuthServiceClient instance. Use this method to display the list of performed signature attempts, for example in a back-office user interface. This is especially useful for the purpose of security auditing and customer support. Each signature audit record contains following attributes:

  • id - Identifier of the signature audit record.
  • userId - Reference to the user who attempted to compute the signature.
  • activationId - Identifier of the activation that was used to construct the signature.
  • activationCounter - Value of the counter used for the signature.
  • dataBase64 - Data used for the signature, base64 encoded.
  • signatureType - Type of the signature that was requested.
  • signature - Signature as it was delivered.
  • timestampCreated - Timestamp representing the moment a signature audit record was created (milliseconds since the Unix epoch start).
// Your actual user identifier
String userId = "1234";

// Date range
Date endingDate = new Date();
Date startingDate = new Date(endingDate.getTime() - (7L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L));

// Short way to read the signature audit log
List<SignatureAuditResponse.Items> signatureAuditItems = getSignatureAuditLog(userId,startingDate, endingDate);

// ... or using the original SOAP request-response notion ...
SignatureAuditRequest request = new SignatureAuditRequest();
SignatureAuditResponse response = powerAuthServiceClient.getSignatureAuditLog(request);
List<SignatureAuditResponse.Items> signatureAuditItems = response.getItems();