- 01. Ownership
- 02. References and Borrowing
- 03. Lifetime
- 04. std::mem
- 05. trait object
- 06. fn, Fn and closure
- 07. Send and Sync
- 08. async
- 09. DST and ZST
- 10. Memory Safe
- 11. Memory Order
- 12. Memory Alignment
- 13. Drop and Drop Check
- 14. Variance
- 15. PhantomData
- 16. std::borrow
- 17. std::any
- 18. Concurrency
- 19. iterator.org
impl<T: ?Sized> const Deref for &mut T {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
*self // actually this self is &&mut T
为某个类型 T impl Deref trait, 可以让我们像引用一样对该类型解引用
- *T 实际上会被编译器解释成 *(T.deref())
- deref() 的调用可以用 &* 达到同样的效果 (不会 move out)
- deref() 返回 &Self::Target 的另一个作用是可以不断 deref 直到达到我们的期望类型
目前为止那个博主 (jon gjengset) 翻车过两次, 一个是想用这句触发 drop 但实际上没有 另一次是想验证自己实现的 Rc 是否是 Send 的 这句可能被优化过, 并没有实际的作用 (其实单用一个 y 就可以了)
- unreachable!
- dbg! (my dbgt!)
Retains only the elements specified by the predicate This method operates in place, visiting each element exactly once in the original order, and preserves the order of the retained elements.
基本 collection 都实现了 retain, 可以看看官方文档的例子
let mut left = lst[0].clone();
for i in 1..lst.len() {
left.retain(|x| lst[i].contains(x));
就是一个简单的 wrapper (要用里面的话直接 .0 就可以, 设置了 pub), 然后反向实现了 PartialOrd, 从而达到反向排序的效果
- 对于不能加负号的反向排序, 而且应该会比加负号快 (不用转换)
- 利用这个可以让标准库的 BinaryHeap 可适用最小堆
https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch18-03-pattern-syntax.html https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/flow_control/match.html https://rust-lang.github.io/rfcs/2005-match-ergonomics.html
- inner attribute, must at the beginning of file (or block?) exclude comments
- outer means out of the (following) declaration?
- outer attributes’ annotated items could be structs, enums and unions
#![no_std] // inner attributes
#[derive(Debug)] // outer attributes
- If an item is public, then it can be accessed externally from some module m if you can access all the item’s ancestor modules from m. You can also potentially be able to name the item through re-exports. See below.
- If an item is private, it may be accessed by the current module and its descendants (submodule).
- pub(in path) makes an item visible within the provided path. path must be an ancestor module of the item whose visibility is being declared.
- pub(crate) makes an item visible within the current crate.
- pub(super) makes an item visible to the parent module. This is equivalent to pub(in super).
- pub(self) makes an item visible to the current module. This is equivalent to pub(in self) or not using pub at all.
为了提高性能, 只有当需要写入的时候才 clone, 比如字符串的底层就是这个
pub enum Cow<'a, B>
B: 'a + Owned + ?Sized,
Borrowd(&'a B),
Owned(<B as Owned>::Owned)
T: ‘a means that all lifetime parameters of T outlive ‘a T: ‘static basically means that T is a type that does not contain any non-‘static references, even nested
- read as ‘a outlives ‘b
- means that ‘a lasts at least as long as ‘b
&dyn Trait + 'a
or | or_else | or_default | |
unwrap | |||
map | |||
ok | |||
err |
by | by_key | |
sort | ||
cmp::max | ||
cmp::min | ||
iterator::max |
- 这两个可能是 AsRef, AsMut 的 trait method
- 也可能是普通方法, 比如 Option, Result, Pin, pointer
好像是只有 Option, Result, Pin 有
这个有时候对应的是 get, 而不是 get_ref
经常看到, 可能会有理解的偏差 all of the analysis at compile time. You do not pay any run-time cost for any of these features
unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T: ?Sized, A: Allocator> Drop for Box<T, A> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// FIXME: Do nothing, drop is currently performed by compiler.
intrinsic means it is built in to the compiler, rather than being implemented in Rust library code
sync channels: send 也是阻塞的,因为通道有大小限制 (不至于无限扩大)
timer_future executor
第九章 implementing Vec 挺不错的, 循序渐进, 能学到一些关于
指针操作 | ptr::{read, write, copy} |
内存分配 | alloc::{alloc, realloc, dealloc, Layout} |
forget and drop | |
内存对齐 | align |
第十章 Arc 和 Mutex (还没有开始写) 都已经看了源码, 就没去看
看了前六章, 挺有意思的 Box 型的链表需要手动循环删除,因为无法实现尾递归 std::mem 的实战 Option 的实战 (as_ref, as_mut, take, map, and_then, as_deref, as_deref_mut) (通过函数调用来约束 lifetime, 避免使用临时变量) Arc/Rc (get_mut 和 try_unwrap 的区别) RefCell 相关, 很难用好, 尤其涉及到 lifetime, 不用深究实际上也很少用 Ref::map, Ref::map_split Iter/IterMut/IntoIter (&mut Option 和 Option<&mut> 区别)