WPI Cloud - WordOps - Vagrant - VagrantCloud - Parallels
A LEMP stack with WordOps, Ubuntu 16.04/18.04, vagrant, nginx, apache, php-5-7.4, php-fpm, MariaDB, git, composer, wp-cli and more.
$ curl -sL wpi.pw/wpi > wpi && bash wpi vagrant
ip: ""
memory: 1024
cpus: 1
hostname: wpi-box
provider: parallels
wpi_email: [email protected] # for git and wo notification
wpi_user: test # for git and wo notification
vm_box: wpi/box
id_rsa: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
id_rsa_pub: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
- host: wpi.test
status: created
scm: github # github, bitbucket
repo: wpi-pw/app # username/repo-name
branch: master
php: php73 # php72
public_path: htdocs/web # it works only during creation