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Drag Drop Text Data

Wolfgang Imig edited this page Jan 17, 2018 · 12 revisions

Outlook provides during drag-and-drop in addition to mail or attachment content some short information in text format. DDAddin can replace this data by more detailed and more useful data, which can be processed by the receiving application.

Outlook's Text Information

The original text information supplied by Outlook contains of one line per dragged mail following a header line. For each mail, sender name, subject, receive date and size is provided, separated by TAB characters. In the following example, three mails were dropped into a HTML TEXTAREA (German locale):

DDAddin's Text Information as JSON Object

The option "Meta information", available in the Ribbon tab, instructs DDAddin to replace the sparse text provided by Outlook by a JSON Object. The option is saved in the registry as described here. The following example shows how the JSON text looks like when mail items are dropped into a HTML TEXTAREA:

For an attachment, it looks like this:

JSON Object Elements

The root object contains one element "items" which is an array of mail or attachment items.

Item element "type"

Either "class MailItem" or "class AttachmentItem" depending on the type of item dropped.

Item element "fileName"

The file name of the item which corresponds to the file name in the content part of the drag-and-drop data.

Item element "subject"

Only for mail items: the mail subject.

Item element "receivedAtIso"

Only for mail items: The UTC date and time when the mail was received.

Item element "senderMailAddress"

Only for mail items: The mail address of the sender.

Item element "senderName"

Only for mail items: The name of the sender.