Gazebo Random Objects is a plugin for Gazebo that will randomly place objects in mesh files on a 2D plane.
Download and unpack or clone this repositories contents into your ros2
workspace; ex ~/ros2_ws/src/gz_random_objects
The plugin is built using the standard ROS 2 build process. Building is done
using colcon which will invoke cmake and run the necessary commands. Run the
following command in your ros2 workspace; ex ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select gz_random_objects
Make sure to run the following command after install and login. Run the
following command in your ros2 workspace; ex ~/ros2_ws/
source install/setup.bash
You may want to have your development user environment do this on login via
file; add the following to the end of that file.
source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
In order to use the plugin, it needs to be added to a SDF world, or model to be included in some SDF world, or part of a URDF.
<plugin filename="" name="gz::sim::systems::GzRandomObjects">
<!-- Parent ID in SDF -->
<!--Number of Objects, same number as mesh files at this time -->
<!-- x/y min and max, difference becomes range, along with scale -->
<!-- z scale only at this time -->
<!-- Mesh files to use, can use https:// or file:// -->
<mesh>file://$(find gz_random_objects)/meshes/rocks/rock1.dae</mesh>
<mesh>file://$(find gz_random_objects)/meshes/rocks/rock2.dae</mesh>
<mesh>file://$(find gz_random_objects)/meshes/rocks/rock3.dae</mesh>
<mesh>file://$(find gz_random_objects)/meshes/rocks/rock4.dae</mesh>
<mesh>file://$(find gz_random_objects)/meshes/rocks/rock5.dae</mesh>
<mesh>file://$(find gz_random_objects)/meshes/rocks/rock6.dae</mesh>
<mesh>file://$(find gz_random_objects)/meshes/rocks/rock7.dae</mesh>