Simple editor to edit channels in LG TV that allows reordering of channels. It was written for my TV (LG TV 43UF680V-ZA) but I believe it can be ported to handle other LGTVs.
The editor is a Java-written tool. If you feel you want to join to have some fun with code - feel free to pull the repo and write tests :). Or other stuff.
- can be easily imported to Eclipse
- uses Maven for solving dependancies.
From API perspecitve:
- uses XML/DOM to process files (it includes demo file)
- uses Swing as GUI
- uses basic file access (NIO2)
- has structure for testing.
It would be nice to:
- add options for editing parameters of individual channels
- use to a greater extent design patterns (to make make it more GUI independent) and in the long term put it online.
- add some XPath features, revisit different options of XML handling.
- add Localization
- wrap it into Swing
![Alt text](/2016-11-08 21_33_48-.png?raw=true "Optional Title")