This is the public-facing repository for my currently live personal blog that can be found at
Originally developed in December 2020 and revamped in summer 2021, this website is meant to be a portfolio for all of my artistic works. Originally a static project with only HTML/CSS, this project evolved into a dynamic website with a PHP-based backend with a MySQL database. It is also hosted on a LEMP stack that was manually configured.
The website itself contains a Blog, a Videos section, a Music section, and a page for "Extras". Each page pulls from the database to display content. The website also has responsive CSS and is fully usable on mobile.
While the page is fully functional, there are still some shortfalls and design choices that need to be improved, such as the use of inline PHP generation (and the use of PHP at all). However, as it stands, it is a demonstration of my ability to style a fully functional HTML website. While currently I have no plans to use this as an art repository in the future, if I were to redesign it, I would integrate it to be generated using React.JS, and create a more usable backend page to add content rather than manually inserting MySQL rows and transferring files to the VPS.