This repository servers as an aggregator for common configuration files as well as xml manifest for usage with the repo tool.
The repo tool is an utility developed under the Android project. Its purpose is to facilitate repository management, especially for repositories which depend on other repositories.
For installation please refer to:
For help on using the repo tool, please refer to:
There are other configuration files present in this repository which handle general configuration of 3rd party tools and services, such as hound and pre-commit.
Pre-commit is a Python tool that allows easy management of pre commit hooks. It relies on (./.pre-commit-config.yaml) to specify which hooks to install and execute on a given stage.
Pre-commit requires Python and Pip to be installed and available on the system or user's path.
The official instructions are avialable from:
A few of the hooks depend on other Python and host packages. Necessary Python packages are described in (./dev-requirements.txt) and other system packages consist of:
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.