Takes training patient features as input and outputs trained model for privileged information prediction. Used ML model: KRVFL+ from the paper (P.-B. Zhang and Z.-X. Yang, “A new learning paradigm for random vector functional-link network: Rvfl+,” Neural Networks, vol. 122, pp. 94–105, 2020.)
- All three input .csv or .xlsx files must have the same number of rows (i.e. same number of patients).
- All three input .csv or .xlsx files must have column names indicating feature names.
- All three input .csv or .xlsx files must have "patientId" as the first column and "group" as the second column, indicating patient names and labels respectively.
- [BL_path]: .csv or .xlsx file containing Biological features. Name of file must contain the substring "train_bl".
- [CL_path]: .csv or .xlsx file containing Clinical features. Name of file must contain the substring "train_cl".
- [CT_path]: .csv or .xlsx file containing Condyle Trabecular features and 3D measurement features. Name of file must contain the substring "train_ct".
- [folder_path]: directory to output trained model to.
file named "TMJPI_train.mat" that contains the best performing ensemble of models trained from the input features. The file is output to the [folder path] directory
file named "TMJPI_train_results.csv" that contains the scores for each evaluation metrixs.
./DSCI_train [BL_path] [CL_path] [CT_path] [folder path]
Takes testing patient features as input and outputs scores and predictions for each testing patient.
- All two input .csv or .xlsx files must have the same number of rows (i.e. same number of patients).
- All two input .csv or .xlsx files must have column names indicating feature names.
- All two input .csv or .xlsx files must have "patientId" as the first column indicating patient names. No "group" column or patient label column should be present.
- The order of features in the test files must be identical to those in training inputs.
- [CL_path]: .csv or .xlsx file containing Clinical features. Name of file must contain the substring "test_cl".
- [CT_path]: .csv or .xlsx file containing Condyle Trabecular features and 3D measurement features. Name of file must contain the substring "test_ct".
- [model path]: path to previously trained "TMJPI_train.mat" file.
- [folder_path]: directory to output prediction file to.
Files output to [Folder path].
- .mat file named "TMJPI_pred.mat" that contains the model scores and prediction (either 1 or 0 for OA or non-OA) for each testing patient.
- .csv file named "TMJPI_pred.csv" that contains the model scores and prediction (either 1 or 0 for OA or non-OA) for each testing patient.
./DSCI_predict[CL_path] [CT_path] [model path] [folder path]
- One more random seed for repeated cross-validation has been added to TMJPI compared to the published paper. We do 11 times five-fold CV to avoid the edge case in which the half/half model votes for negative and positive.
- We calculated the final prediction score by binarizing the prediction probability with the optimal training threshold in each model. The most frequency category counted for the final prediction result.