This is a Pytorch implementation of the paper: Enhancing Resilience to Missing Data in Audio-Text Emotion Recognition with Multi-Scale Chunk Regularization. The experiments and trained models were based on the MSP-Podcast v1.10 corpus & pretrained wav2vec2-large-robust (audio) and RoBERTa-base (text) features in the paper.
- Python 3.6+
- Ubuntu 18.04+
- pytorch version 1.9.0+cu102
- huggingface transformer version 4.5.1
- textgrid
- The scipy, numpy and pandas...etc standard packages
- The MSP-Podcast v1.10 corpus (request to download from UTD-MSP lab website)
- Place the downloaded MSP-Podcast v1.10 corpus under the same directory.
- Extract the pretrained deep features using (for audio) and (for text), the outputs will be saved in the created 'Features' folder.
- [Optional] Run to obtain parameters for z-norm, the outputs will be saved in the created 'NormTerm_Speech' and 'NormTerm_Text' folders.
- Run the main script,
The testing results (in terms of CCC) of the trained model will be directly printed out after the training is done.
If you use this code, please cite the following paper:
Wei-Cheng Lin, Lucas Goncalves and Carlos Busso, "Enhancing Resilience to Missing Data in Audio-Text Emotion Recognition with Multi-Scale Chunk Regularization"
author={W.-C. Lin and L. Goncalves and C. Busso},
title={Enhancing Resilience to Missing Data in Audio-Text Emotion Recognition with Multi-Scale Chunk Regularization},
booktitle={ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2023)},
volume={To appear},
address = {Paris, France},