dependabot: bump org.passay:passay from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4 (#3394) #50
2 errors
Resource not accessible by integration
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author: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Priyank Bagrecha',
username: 'bagipriyank'
committer: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'GitHub',
username: 'web-flow'
distinct: true,
id: 'a41638b428c26e5fcafa0fda0c48d20ea1a18270',
message: 'Change log message from warning to trace on WWW-Authenticate challenge (#3364)\n' +
'\n' +
'### Description\r\n' +
"Change warning message No 'Basic Authorization' header, send 401 and\r\n" +
"'WWW-Authenticate Basic' to trace\r\n" +
'\r\n' +
'### Issues Resolved\r\n' +
'- Resolves #3273\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'### Check List\r\n' +
'- [ ] New functionality includes testing\r\n' +
'- [ ] New functionality has been documented\r\n' +
'- [X] Commits are signed per the DCO using --signoff\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made\r\n' +
'under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.\r\n' +
'For more information on following Developer Certificate of Origin and\r\n' +
'signing off your commits, please check\r\n' +
HttpError: Resource not accessible by integration
at /home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v5/dist/index.js:8462:21
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async Job.doExecute (/home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v5/dist/index.js:30793:18)
name: 'AggregateError',
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author: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Priyank Bagrecha',
username: 'bagipriyank'
committer: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'GitHub',
username: 'web-flow'
distinct: true,
id: 'a41638b428c26e5fcafa0fda0c48d20ea1a18270',
message: 'Change log message from warning to trace on WWW-Authenticate challenge (#3364)\n' +
'\n' +
'### Description\r\n' +
"Change warning message No 'Basic Authorization' header, send 401 and\r\n" +
"'WWW-Authenticate Basic' to trace\r\n" +
'\r\n' +
'### Issues Resolved\r\n' +
'- Resolves #3273\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'### Check List\r\n' +
'- [ ] New functionality includes testing\r\n' +
'- [ ] New functionality has been documented\r\n' +
'- [X] Commits are signed per the DCO using --signoff\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made\r\n' +
'under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.\r\n' +
'For more information on following Developer Certificate of Origin and\r\n' +
'signing off your commits, please check\r\n' +
'[here](\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'---------\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'Signed-off-by: Priyank Bagrecha <[email protected]>\r\n' +
'Co-authored-by: Priyank Bagrecha <[email protected]>',
timestamp: '2023-09-19T12:18:59-04:00',
tree_id: 'd8c464585c85b8147cdf0a7f9e13063a691427cf',
url: ''
author: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Craig Perkins',
username: 'cwperks'
committer: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'GitHub',
username: 'web-flow'
distinct: true,
id: '737b53110f3b503fe10812c0fdab4014d6b0a5e9',
message: 'Add release notes for (#3360)\n' +
'\n' +
'Signed-off-by: Peter Nied <[email protected]>\r\n' +
'Signed-off-by: Stephen Crawford <[email protected]>\r\n' +
'Signed-off-by: Craig Perkins <[email protected]>\r\n' +
'Co-authored-by: Peter Nied <[email protected]>\r\n' +
'Co-authored-by: Stephen Crawford <[email protected]>',
timestamp: '2023-09-19T15:24:33-04:00',
tree_id: 'e4b01e9f37c72f95af992ca98ec8a43018d7a504',
url: ''
author: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Sam',
username: 'samuelcostae'
committer: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'GitHub',
username: 'web-flow'
distinct: true,
id: '7f6944c0de7f8a72bb72f2248153432614aaba57',
message: 'Add backend filtering for legacy internal user and service accou
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.