steps to use:
open git bash and do the following:
change into the directory you want your files to be in. (using cd command)
paste the following:
git clone
cd spy-guys
heroku git:remote -a spy-guys
after making changes, check the status of git, make a local commit, and push to the github repo using the following 3 lines:
git status
git add --all
git commit -m "enter message about changes within these quotes"
git push
let us all know when you've made a commit, so that we can pull new changes to our repo. When another user has pushed, we need to update our code using the following commands:
(if you have unstaged changes):
git add --all
git commit -m "message about your recent changes"
(whether or not you have unstaged changes, you must run this):
git fetch --all
git pull
if you want to see the changes you've made, run the following command:
heroku local
and navigate to localhost:5000 in a web browser of your choice
if you want to push changes you've made to the heroku page (the page you get when you go to, after pushing to the github repo, run the following command:
git push heroku master