intel x86(-64) code analysis library that reconstructs control flow
- make
- cmake
- pkg-config
Consider using cranelift during development:
$ rustup component add rustc-codegen-cranelift-preview --toolchain nightly
$ env CARGO_PROFILE_DEV_CODEGEN_BACKEND=cranelift cargo build -Zcodegen-backend
Also consider using mold
$ mold -run cargo build
# or with cranelift:
$ env CARGO_PROFILE_DEV_CODEGEN_BACKEND=cranelift mold -run cargo build -Zcodegen-backend
If it doesn't work with your (read: Willi's) nix setup, use it just for incremental builds.
$ rustup update # update rust compiler
$ cargo update # update dependencies, not crossing major versions
$ cargo outdated -x unicorn # find outdated major version dependencies
because we use an older version of unicorn thats easier to build with cargo, we want to ignore any old dependencies stemming from unicorn.
$ pre-commit run --all-files --hook-stage manual