This module is used to install Talend Job Server, as well as install a service using supervisord.
This module will:
- Download and extract a copy of Talend Job Server from a given URL
- Manage and create (if required) a user and group used to run the Talend Job Server service
- Install supervisord, used to run the Talend Job Server process
- Configure the Talend Job Server as a program within supervisord
- Start the Talend Job Server service
class { '::talend_job_server':
talend_job_server_url => '',
class { '::talend_job_server':
talend_job_server_url => undef,
talend_job_server_home => '/opt/talend_job_server',
talend_job_server_subfolder => 'Talend-JobServer-20160704_1411-V6.2.1',
talend_job_server_user => 'talenduser',
talend_job_server_group => 'talendgroup',
manage_user => true,
manage_group => true,
use_ssl => true,
username => 'talendjobserver',
password => 'password',
TODO: This is where you list OS compatibility, version compatibility, etc.
TODO: Since your module is awesome, other users will want to play with it. Let them know what the ground rules for contributing are.