The Movie Reservation System is a web application that allows users to manage movie reservations, including signing up, logging in, and making reservations for showtime. Admins have additional functionalities for managing movies, showtime, and user roles.
- Node js
- Express js
- Postgres.js
- PostgreSQL (Database)
- Node cron
- Paystack (Payment processing)
- Zod (for validation)
- Biome (for formatting and linting)
- User authentication and authorization
- Singup and Signin
- Regenerate access token after expiration
- Secure access to the API using JSON Web Tokens.
- Movie management
- Admins can create, read, update and delete movies
- Users can view movie information
- Theatre Management:
- Admins can manage (create, read, update and delete) showtime for movies.
- Admins can choose theatre for each shwotime
- Showtime Management
- Admins can manage (create, read, update and delete) showtime for movies.
- Admins can view showtime reservations
- Users can view upcoming showtime for specific movies
- Reservation Management
- Users can check available seats for a specific showtime.
- Users can reserve seats and pay for a showtime. If payment is not received within 20minutes, reserved seats are discarded and made available for others
- Users can view their upcoming reservations and cancel them if needed.
- Admins can view all reservations, including capacity and revenue statistics.
- Users receives reservation confirmation mail and pay for their reservations.
- Reporting: Admin can generate report for showtime reservations
Clone repository
git clone
Install the dependencies
pnpm i
Run migration to DB
pnpm migrate
Run the application
pnpm dev
Access the Api: Use tools like Postman or Thunder Client to interact with the endpoints
The application provides several API endpoints for the functionalities mentioned above. Below are some key endpoints:
Name | Path | Method | Query | Allows |
Register | /auth/register | POST | - | |
Login | /auth/login | POST | - | |
Create movie | /movies | POST | - | only admin |
Add Theatres | /theatres | POST | - | only admin |
Add Showtime | /showtime | POST | - | only admin |
Add Reservation | /reservations | POST | - | |
Cancel Reservation | /reservations/:id/cancel | POST | - | |
Get available seats for a showtime | /showtime/:id/seats | GET | - | |
Get reservations | /reservations | GET | append_to_response | only admins |
Get user reservations | /reservations/:id/user | GET | - |
- There's a doc folder that contains all endpoints in a thunder client collection. You can import it to test.
- The seat numbers for each theatres are generated on the fly, the best decision should have been to store them in the DB.
- Made some decisions: Theatre cannot have more than 200 seats and each row cannot contain more than 15 seats
- For some endpoints, you can add "append_to_response" to get more info from the query
This Movie Reservation System provides a comprehensive solution for managing movie reservations, catering to both users and admins. With its robust authentication and management features, it aims to enhance the movie-going experience.
Project URL: