This dotfiles repo was made to be used in my Distrobox image "WebDevBox".
You should fork this to make your own changes. Once you do, install Chezmoi is you're not using my WebDevBox and initialize it like this:
$ chezmoi init <git@your dotfiles fork url>
It will prompt you for information that will be saved in this local file:
$ cat ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml
All the pulled templates will be here:
$ ls ~/.local/share/chezmoi
The idea is that it will use the template dot_zshrc.tmpl
, for example, merge with the data in chezmoi.toml
and generate your ~/.zshrc
Now, just remember to always edit your dotfiles templates. Chezmoi give you some helpers:
$ chezmoi cd # will cd you to the dotfiles repo directory
$ chezmoi edit ~/.zshrc # will open the template in your editor
If you create new dotfiles, let's say you started to use Fish, then don't forget to add it to Chezmoi like this:
$ chezmoi add --autotemplate ~/.fishrc
If you have confidential information that would be bad to show up in your GitHub repository, make sure you first added it to the data file, something like this:
password = something-something
Then, when you add the file with autotemplate
, the template will do its magic and this is what will end up in the repo:
export GOOGLE_PASSWORD={{ }}
You can check your data with:
$ chezmoi data
Whenever you change the template or the data file, just update everything:
$ chezmoi update
And then push the changes to your repo:
$ chezmoi cd
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Update dotfiles"
$ git push
This should make for a much sane way to manage your dotfiles.