The Movie-API is a backend application that I developed using JavaScript, Node.js, and Express. It serves as an API for managing a movie database, facilitating communication between a client-side application and a MongoDB non-relational database. This API enables operations like user authentication, movie data retrieval, and user-specific operations such as managing a list of favorite movies.
To build the server-side component of "movies" web application. the web application provides users with access to information about different movies, directors, and genres. Users are able to sign up, update their personal information, and create a list of their favorite movies.
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express
- REST architecture with URL endpoints
- Middleware modules
- "Package.json" file
- DataBase built using MongoDB
- Business Logic modeled with Mongoose
- Authentication and authorization into the API
- Basic HTTP authentication
- JWT (token-based) authentication
- Host on the web using Heroku and Render
- Host database using MongoDB Atlas
- Link to documentation