A Clojure Compojure middleware library for limiting the rate at which a user can access a resource. Going over this rate will return an error response.
Dependency via clojars
[compojure-throttle "0.1.7"]
Then use with
(:require [compojure-throttle.core :as throttler])
Then add to your middleware stack
(def app
Or add to a specific route
(defroutes main-routes
(POST "/data" req "OK")))
By default compojure-throttle throttles on IP. You can also pass an optional function that allows it to throttle based on other attributes. This function should accept a single argument (the request) and return a token that uniquely identifies the attribute you wish to throttle on.
For example, let's assume we have a :user entry in our request map that contains a unique user id and that we want to throttle based on this.
(throttler/throttle :user ...)
To configure the rate at which we throttle use two environment variables:
TTL defines the period for which we are throttling e.g. 1000 milliseconds TOKENS defines the number of tries a user is allowed within that period. For example we might allow 3 responses a second.
This (token-bucket) approach allows us to handle small bursts in traffic without throttling whilst still throttling sustained high traffic.
We can also configure the response code for throttled requests using:
lein jar
lein midje
Benjamin Griffiths (whostolebenfrog)
Copyright © 2012 Ben Griffiths
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.