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WhizSid edited this page Jun 29, 2019 · 1 revision


Initial the AB

You can create a new AB instance like creating a normal instance.

$ab = new AB;

You don't want to create multiple AB instance for each query.

Creating a table

You want to pass your array to arraybase instance with a unique name. This is what we are calling as creating a new table. ArrayBase provide you a manual method and a magical method to create a table.

Manual Method

Now we are creating an arraybase table in manual way.

$ab->createTable('customers',function(Table $tbl){
    $tbl->createColumn('cus_id',function(Column $clmn){
    $tbl->createColumn('cus_name',function(Column $clmn){
    $tbl->createColumn('cus_phone',function(Column $clmn){

We want to insert our data to our table with an insert query.

        	// cus_id is auto incrementing
            'cus_name'=>'Customer 1',

You can validate values with methods in column.

  • setType(string):void Setting a value type. Available types are date,integer,varchar
  • setMaxLength(integer):void Setting a mximum length for a value. Length is calculating by strlen function.
  • setDefaultValue(any):void Setting a default value. This value shoud apply if you supplied a NULL as value.
  • setAutoIncrement(bool):void Make a column to auto incrementing. It will take a argument and default value is true
  • setNullable(bool):void Make a column to nullable.
  • writeComment(string) Write a comment to the column. Maximum comment length is 100.

Magical Method

        'cus_name'=>'Customer 1',

Note:- You can not create auto increments, nullabel columns, default values in magical method.

Accessing tables and columns

You can access your tables like $ab->{your_table_name} and columns like $ab->{your_table_name}->{your_column_name}.

Select Query

You can use normal SELECT * FROM syntax with ArrayBase.

$selectQuery = $ab->query()->select(

$results = $selectQuery->execute()->fetchAssoc();

First parameter of select(Table,...Column) shoud be your main table for the select query. This method will take unlimited parameters and you can use Columns, Functions and agregate functions. If you passed only a table select clause will take all columns in the table.

Available Clauses

Select query's execute():ReturnSet method is also return a ReturnSet like other queries.


Return set is providing useful informations about executed query. All queries return a ReturnSet after execution. This is a list of methods in ReturnSet.

  • getTime():int Returning the execution time in micro seconds.
  • getLastIndex():int Returning the last inserted id in insert query.
  • getAffectedRowsCount():int Returning affected rows count for insert,update and delete queries.
  • fetchAssoc():array Fetching results from a select query to a multidimentional array and returning.

Update query

$query = $ab
$query->set($ab->tbl_customer->c_name,"Updated Name")
$returnSet = $query->execute();

You want to pass an ArrayBase table to update(Table):UpdateQuery method as first parameter. And set(Column,any):UpdateQuery will take a column as first parameter and your value as second parameter.

Available Clauses

You can take count of affected rows from the returnset.

Insert Query

You can insert data in to a table from an multidimentional array.

$returnSet = $ab
        	// cus_id is auto incrementing
            'cus_name'=>'Customer 1',

into(Table):InsertQuery will take an ArrayBase table as the first parameter and values(array):InsertQuery take a multidimentional array. You can retieve last inserted id and count of affected rows from the returnset. Insert query hasn't any clauses.

Delete query

$deleteQuery = $ab->query()

Delete query will take an ArrayBase table as the first parameter for the delete(Table):DeleteQuery.

Available Clauses


Where Clause

You can create a where clause by calling where(Column,string,any):Condition in your query.


Where clause is returning a condition.


We can use multiple comparisons by chaining and(Column,string,any):Condition,or(Column,string,any):Condition comparison methods in conditions.

Comparison Methods

All comparison methods are taking first parameter as a column and second parameter as a operator and third parameter as a value or column. You can skip the comparison and it will take equal sign = as the default operator. All operators are

  • = Equal
  • != Not Equal
  • in SQL In
  • not in SQL Not IN

All comparison methods are returning a condition. So where(Column,string,any):Condition is a comparison method

Join Clause


join(Table):JoinClause is taking an ArrayBase table as the first parameter. on(Column,string,any):Condition is a comparison method.

Limit Clause


limit(number,number):Query is expecting a number as first parameter to set number of limit rows. and second parameter is also a number to set offset.

Group Clause


groupBy(Column):Query is expecting a column as first parameter. You can recall it to group by multiple columns.

Order Clause


orderBy(Column,string):Query is expecting column as first parameter and string asc or desc as second parameter. Second parameter is optional and default ordering mode is asc. You can recall it if you want to order by multiple columns.


You can use MySQL functions in this ArrayBase. Currently we are implemented a several useful functions as a start.

Calling functions

You can call ArrayBase functions statically via AB instance.


List of functions

  • concat(...any):Concat Concating two or more values
  • ifElse(Column,string,Column,callback):IfElse this is like a comparison method. But you can not chain and,or functions. If you want to chain these functions you can pass a callaback as the third parameter. Third parameter is an optional parameter.
$ab::ifElse($ab->tbl_customer->c_id,'=',1,function(Condition $condition){

then(any):IfElse method will taking the value to return if condition true. else(any):IfElse method will taking the value to return if condition false.

  • ifNull(Column):IfNull is similiar to ifElse function.

Agregate functions

ArrayBase provide three agregate functions. All agregate functions expect first parameter as the weather that selecting distinct values or not. And second parameter as column




You can changed the separator of group concat by calling separatedBy(string):GroupConcat method. Default separator is ,.