A friendly "competition" to make a fun game in js! While this isn't a true compeitition (there aren't any prizes), you can take the time limit as a way to compete against yourself to learn something new, or just to have fun building a game.
Because we can! Small friendly competitions are a great way to push yourself to learn new things in a non-stessful manner.
All games should meet the requirements on this list.
Defined stack. You must detail what technologies you use.
Must be made with JavaScript and HTML5 based
- Allowed Client Game Engines:
- Vanilla js: if you are crazy enough to do it, by all means.
- createjs
Old school feel (e.g. pacman, space invaders, asteroids, pong, tetris), though it can be original or a clone
Link to an active playable demo
Multiplayer aspect (doesn't necessarily have to be isomorphic)
Sockets (for realtime)
Authenticated users - gameplay optional
- To expand on this, you can play without signing in, but you should be able to if you want.
Submission date is June 24, 2016. Submit with PR
- Multiple levels
- High scores
- Game chat
- Customization
Good luck.