A NIRCam 1/f Noise Removal package
: NIRCam missing value convention changed to NaN from zero. This package is updated accordingly. 11/21/2024.
- Robustly remove the JWST NIRCam 1/f Noise
- Easy to install and easy to use
- Preserve original background gradient
- Preserve overall background level
- Subtract row 1/f noise for each amplifier
- With the option to remove column 1/f noise altogether
- Pixels with zero counts are excluded from calculation
- Point sources are excluded from the median calculation
- Results saved to FITS files and new arrays returned
pip install git+https://github.com/wenlong2/jwstdestripe
from jwstdestripe import destripe
f = 'path/to/cal.fits/file_cal.fits' # only applies to cal.fits
newarr, stripe = a.destripe(column=False) # default, if remove row noise only
newarr, stripe = a.destripe(column=True) # if remove column noise as well