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Project: Build a Traffic Sign Recognition Program

Udacity - Self-Driving Car NanoDegree

Dataset Exploration

Dataset Summary

  • Traffic sign image size: 32x32x3
  • Number of classes: 43
Training Validation Test
dataset size 34799 4410 12630

Distribution of classes indicates that the training sample is not balanced, classes like 'End of No Passing', 'Dangerous curve to the left' etc. are very few, which are less than 250. I also show images of traffic sign for each classes, and find that the contrast and exposure of some images are very low.

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Image Processing and Augmentation

In order to improve contrast, I pre-process the image using the following steps

  • Convert RGB image to gray scale: Y = 0.299 R + 0.587 G + 0.114 B
  • Apply local contrast enhancement using skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist
  • Normalize the image by image / 255

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ImageDataGenerator of keras is used to generate batches of augmented tensor image in training. The images are
  • randomly rotated with +/- 20deg range
  • randomly shifted in the x and y direction with +/- 6 pixels (20% of the image size)
  • randomly zoomed with a factor ranging from 0.8 to 1.2
  • randomly sheared within +/- 0.5 rad

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Model Architecture

I use 4 convoluted layers with 64, 128, 256 and 512 filters respectively, and each of which is followed by a maximum pooling with keep probability of 0.7. I do not use any regularization in the begining, it is very easy to overfit the model during traning, the accuracy of traning is very easy to reach 99% but the accuracy of validation is still around 80% - 90%. Then I add drop out for each layer to avoid overfitting.

input size kernel size filters keep probability
conv2D 32 x 32 x 1 5 x 5 64 0.7
conv2D 5 x 5 x 64 3 x 3 128 0.7
conv2D 3 x 3 x 128 3 x 3 256 0.7
conv2D 3 x 3 x 256 3 x 3 512 0.7
full connect flatten 0.7
full connect 256 0.7
full connect 128 0.5
full connect 43

Model Training

The prediction is transformed into a probability distribution using softmax softmax_i = exp(y_i) / sum (exp_i) . The cross entropy between the predicted probability distribution (y’) and the actual vector score probability distribution (y) is cross entropy = - sum (y'_i * log(softmax_i)). I minimize the cross entropy using AdamOptimizer with the following parameters, L2 regularization is addded which improve the accuracy by 0.5%.

batch size = 512
learning rate = 0.0005
epoch = 100
earlying stopping patience = 30
L2 lambda = 0.0001 

The following plots show the loss function and accurracy of training set and valuation set. alt text

Valid loss: 0.02809283, accuracy = 0.99%
Test loss: 0.09074351, accuracy = 0.98%

The following plots show some false predictions, my model is easily to falsely predict speed limits. alt text

Test a Model on New Images

I use the model to predict the following traffic sign images (downloaded from website) alt text Top k prediction: k = 5

My model predicts Road work, Yield, Children crossing, 50 km/h Speed Limit and Stop sign correctly with a high probability of the correct class. However it predicts Roundabout Mandatory wrong. The accuracy of predicting 6 new images is about 83.3%. The model categorizes Roundabout Mandatory as Priority road with probability of 0.9895 since the Roundabout Mandatory sign I chose has the same shape and color as Priority Road in the traning dataset. It indicates that my model has a better recognition of shape and color than the patterns/words on the traffic signs.

Roundabout mandatory Road work
Priority road: 0.989575088024 Road work: 1.0
Yield: 0.00529247801751 Bicycles crossing: 2.66110934964e-14
Stop: 0.00103384349495 Slippery road: 6.43749910353e-16
Ahead only: 0.00102106039412 Bumpy road: 5.41721721362e-16
Roundabout mandatory: 0.000658783596009 Dangerous curve to the right: 2.68919394991e-17
Yield Children crossing
Yield: 1.0 Children crossing: 1.0
Priority road: 3.73760499957e-19 Bicycles crossing: 1.64836304328e-11
End of all speed and passing limits: 1.00851527998e-24 Speed limit (120km/h): 1.59387172243e-14
End of no passing: 9.3484531167e-29 Roundabout mandatory: 8.3265854403e-15
General caution: 9.06802387418e-29 Stop: 1.98137692912e-15
Speed Limit 50 km/h Stop
Speed limit (50km/h): 0.999192535877 Stop: 1.0
Speed limit (30km/h): 0.000553100195248 Keep left: 2.70686010118e-21
Speed limit (80km/h): 0.00023143949511 Priority road: 3.03382878477e-22
Speed limit (60km/h): 2.27998207265e-05 End of speed limit (80km/h): 3.20343129193e-23
Speed limit (100km/h): 4.26735091708e-08 Speed limit (120km/h): 6.89647525779e-24

Visualize the Neural Network's State with Test Images (Optional)

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output of Conv2D layer 1 with 64 filters


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