Performance test weka clusters with distributed fio
Includes fio both consistency (versions vary) and convienience.
# ./wekatester --help
usage: wekatester [-h] [-v] [-c] [-s] [-d DIRECTORY] [-w WORKLOAD] [-o] [-a] [--no-weka] [--local-fio LOCAL_FIO] [--auth AUTHFILE] [--version] [server ...]
Acceptance Test a weka cluster
positional arguments:
server One or more Servers to use a workers (weka mode [default] will get names from the cluster)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbosity increase output verbosity
-c, --clients run fio on weka clients
-s, --servers run fio on weka servers
target directory for workload (default is /mnt/weka)
-w WORKLOAD, --workload WORKLOAD
workload definition directory (a subdir of fio-jobfiles)
-o, --output run fio with output file
-a, --autotune automatically tune num_jobs to maximize performance (experimental)
--no-weka force non-weka mode
--local-fio LOCAL_FIO
Specify the fio binary on the target servers
--auth AUTHFILE auth file for authenticating with weka (default is auth-token.json)
--version Display version number
fio is a benchmark for IO, and is quite popular. However, running it in a distributed fashion across multiple servers can be a bit of a bear to manage, and the output can be quite difficult to read.
The idea of wekatester is to bring some order to this chaos. To make running fio in a distributed environment, wekatester automatically distributes and executes fio commands on remote servers, runs a standard set of benchmark workloads, and summarizes the results. It's also aware of Weka clusters, in particular.
Servers - a list of weka servers to connect to via the API, or when combined with --no-weka, a list of servers to use as workers.
makes wekatester query the cluster for what clients exist and uses ALL of them as workers
makes wekatester query the cluster for what backends exist and uses ALL of them as workers
sets the directory where the benchmark files will be created. Default is /mnt/weka
get fio jobfile specifications from a subdirectory of fio-jobfiles. The default is 'default'. Currently, there are 2 discributed with wekatester, "default" (4-corners tests), and "mixed", a set of 70/30 RW workloads. You can add your own directories, and use the with -w.
will create an output file with all the fio output in it in JSON format.
automatically adjust numjobs= to 2x the number of available cores. Works on all workloads.
Sets verbosity. -vv
, and -vvv
are supported to set ever increasing verbosity.
Assumes the Servers are not weka servers or clients and just runs the workload on them
Use the fio binary that is already local to the servers. Make sure all the servers have the same version.
Specify an alternate file instead of the default auth-token.json