This is sample task to create a RESTful micro-service for managing debit / credit cards.
This exercise is just focused on the REST API and build with spring boot and mybatis with MySQL Database.
- SignUp/ Signin /Generate JWT Token
- Fetch a list of cards for a specific user
- Fetch the card details for a specific card
- Activate a card
- Deactivate a card
- Change the daily limit on the card
This project use MYSQL Database and sample database was include download it or you can find it in resource/database.sql
- Import to your Database and change url in
To complete this project tasks I use framework like below:
- Swagger Generate HTML Interface For easy understand how to use API
Sign Up
post: /v1/api/auth/signup
Sign In
- Detail information consumer use (
get: /v1/api/consumer/me
Fetch a list of cards for a specific user
get: /v1/api/card/list
Fetch the card details for a specific card
get: /v1/api/card/detail
Activate the card
put: /v1/api/card/activate
Deactivate the card
put: /v1/api/card/deactivate
Change Limit on the card
put: /v1/api/card/daily-limit
This project includes test case
This project setup from scratch I will improved it when i have more free times. I hope it can help you how to use spring boot + Mybatis to build restful API with Authorization Bearer