This is Ruochen Xie's programming assignment of Algorithms online class offered by Stanford University.
Courses can be found in Coursera which is part III of specializations of algorithms.
- Week 1:
- 1: Two Motivating Applications
- 2: Greedy Algorithms
- 3: A Scheduling Application (Programming Assignment #1 1,2)
- 4: Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm (Programming Assignment #1 3) => Heap data structure
- Problem Set #1
- Week 2:
- 6: Kruskal's Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm => Union-Find data structure
- 7: (part 7) Clustering (Programming Assignment #2 1,2)
- 8: Advanced Union-Find (Optional)
- Problem Set #2
- Week 3:
- 9: Huffman (Programming Assignment #3 1,2)
- 10: Max-weight independent sets (Programming Assignment #3 3)
- Week 4:
- 11: Knapsack (Programming Assignment #3 1,2)
- 12: The sequence alignment problem
- 13: Computing optimal binary search trees