- Install dependencies using
npm install
- Start up CouchDB and Chromedriver
- Run
npm test <version>
to test all versions of React and store results in the couchdb server - To view results, look at
- Update UI for site using
node node_modules/perfjankie/lib/cli.js --couch-database=react-perf --only-update-site --couch-server=http://localhost:5984 --couch-user=admin_user --couch-pwd=admin_pass
- All other test parameters are located in
- Individual test apps are present at the location specified in
- The source for the apps are in a branch of this repo
- To run the app, the test runner in this branch downloads the branch as a zip from github, does
npm install
, and runs theserver.js
- Once the tests are finished, the server is killed.