A simple wrapper for handling interactive Slack HTTP requests.
Currently, only slash command and interactive message (button & menu) requests are supported.
Documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/slack_interactive.
The package can be installed by adding slack
with reference to hex: :slack_interactive
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:slack, "~> 0.1.1", hex: :slack_interactive}]
Use Slack.Phoenix.ActionController
in your Phoenix controllers with
your validation token provided by Slack. Valid Slack requests will be
forwarded to handle_action
or handle_command
respective to the
request type.
defmodule App.SlackController do
use Slack.Phoenix.ActionController, token: "SLACK_TOKEN"
import Plug.Conn
def handle_action(action, conn, slack) do
|> put_status(200)
|> text("Working on this action")
def handle_command(command, conn, slack) do
|> put_status(200)
|> text("Working on this command")
Define a route in your Phoenix router with the :dispatch
to validate incoming requests and dispatch to the overridable
functions handle_action
or handle_command
defmodule App.Router do
use Phoenix.Router
post "/slack/*path", App.SlackController, :dispatch
If an incoming request contains a matching validation token, either
or handle_command
will be called. Override these
functions in your controller to manipulate the validated Slack data
and respond to the request. The following arugments are passed to
these functions:
: Either the actionmap
or commandstring
from the request.conn
: The incoming request as aPlug.Conn
: The incoming request parameters converted to aSlack
A Plug.Conn
is expected as the return value for these functions.
The third argument passed to the handle functions contains the
below fields. The default value of these fields is nil
if the
incoming request did not contain a matching field name.
- action - map with :name and :value for action request (action request only)
- command - slash command string (command request only)
- text - the text string following the slash command (command request only)
- team - map with :domain and :id for Slack team
- channel - map with :name and :id for Slack channel
- user - map with :name and :id for Slack user
- token - validation token used to confirm request came from Slack
- reponse_url - string containing URL for delayed response to request
Action request only fields (defaults to nil
for command requests):
- callback_id - string of callback_id from message attachment
- action_ts - string timestamp when action occurred
- message_ts - string timestamp when message containing action was posted
- attachment_id - string id for specific attachment within message
- original_message - original message JSON object
See Slack docs for responding to button and menu actions and slash commands
- Added Interactive Menu Message support