Generic helpers for GraphQL API's.
- Add to your dependencies:
def deps do [ {:cose_della_vita_ex, "~> 0.0.3"} ] end
- Include the generic GraphQL types in your schema:
defmodule MyApp.Schema do use Absinthe.Schema use CoseDellaVitaEx.Schema # Your own types here end
- Create an error mapper:
defmodule MyApp.ErrorMapper do alias CoseDellaVitaEx.ErrorMapper @behaviour ErrorMapper def map(%{custom_validation: :my_validation}, message): %MyError{message: message} # Add more custom errors here, then fall back to the included errors def map(opts, message), do: ErrorMapper.map_default(opts, message) end
Convert Ecto changeset errors to GraphQL types.
- Define possible errors for your mutation, so the client can match on those:
type will be used as a fallbackdefmodule MyApp.MyTypes alias CoseDellaVitaEx.Types.ErrorTypes @my_mutation_error_types [:my_error] union :my_mutation_error do types(unquote(@my_mutation_error_types)) resolve_type(&ErrorTypes.resolve_error_type(&1, &2, @my_mutation_error_types)) end object :my_mutation_result do field(:success, :boolean) field(:errors, list_of(:my_mutation_error)) end end
Or if you do not have any specific errors to resolve you can also use the base mutation type:
defmodule MyApp.MyTypes
object :my_mutation_result do
- Automatically convert Ecto changeset errors in your resolver:
defmodule MyApp.MyResolver do import CoseDellaVitaEx.Helpers alias MyApp.ErrorMapper def create(_parent, _fields, _resolution) do with {:ok, my_entity} <- MyDB.insert() do {:ok, %{my_entity: my_entity}} else {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} -> {:ok, add_changeset_errors(%{}, changeset, &} end |> format_success_errors() end end