Open Dutch WordNet is a Dutch lexical semantic database. The database provides cognitive synonyms and lexical entries for the Dutch language under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
The wordnet.dutch package provides the Open Dutch Wordnet database in R format and provides R functions to easily work with the dataset.
This data is available in several objects:
- dutch_synset: Dutch synthetic sets
- UNDER CONSTRUCTION - please wait for the dutch lexical entries
To install the latest version from this repository
devtools::install_github("jwijffels/wordnet.dutch", build_vignettes = TRUE)
Have a look at the vignette
vignette("open-dutch-wordnet-introduction", package = "wordnet.dutch")
The original data in the wordnet.dutch R package is provided at, namely at resources/odwn/odwn_orbn_gwg-LMF_1.3.xml.gz. Importing this data in R has been done based on the scripts available at the inst/dev directory.
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