The Metric Temporal Reasoner (MeTeoR) is a scalable reasoner for full DatalogMTL, an extension of Datalog with operators from Metric Temporal Logic (MTL). In MeTeoR, we provide lots of pluggable functional modules that can be directly reused by other researchers for their research work in the DatalogMTL domain. Besides, we will keep continuous maintenance and updates to MeTeoR and provide more implementations from the latest research in DatalogMTL.
We implemented some core modules in MeTeoR mainly based on previously published paper:
The most common technique of choice in scalable Datalog reasoners is materialisation (a.k.a., forward chaining). Facts entailed by a program and dataset are derived in successive rounds of rule applications until a fixpoint is reached; both this process and its output are often referred to as materialisation.
Based on our published two papers MeTeoR: Practical Reasoning in Datalog with Metric Temporal Operator and Seminaïve Materialisation in DatalogMTL, we implemented three ways of doing materialisation:
- Naive Materialisation
- Semi-naive Materialisation
- Optimisation Materialisation
A direct implementation of materialisation-based reasoning in DatalogMTL is, however, problematic since forward chaining may require infinitely many rounds of rule applications. In the paper Materialisation-based Reasoning in DatalogMTL with Bounded Intervals, we made a detailed analysis of the periodic structure of canonical models. We formulate saturation conditions that a partial materialisation needs to satisfy so that the canonical model can be recovered via unfolding. Finally, we propose a practical reasoning algorithm where saturation can be efficiently detected as materialisation progresses, and where the relevant periods used to evaluate entailment queries via unfold- ing are efficiently computed.
MeTeoR is an on-going effort, and we are planning to increase our coverage in the future.
Our data parser support the following four kinds of forms:
- A@1 # no terms
- A(a)@1 or A(a)@[1,1]# punctual interval
- A(a,b)@<1,2> # n-ary tuple of terms, where < is ( or [ and > is ) or ]
You can download the data generator (UBA) from SWAT Projects - Lehigh University Benchmark (LUBM) website. In particular, we used UBA1.7.
After downloading the UBA1.7 package, you need to add package's path to CLASSPATH. For examole,
export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:your package path"
[-univ <univ_num>]
[-index <starting_index>]
[-seed <seed>]
-onto <ontology_url>
-univ number of universities to generate; 1 by default
-index starting index of the universities; 0 by default
-seed seed used for random data generation; 0 by default
-daml generate DAML+OIL data; OWL data by default
-onto url of the univ-bench ontology
We found some naming and storage issues when using the above command provided by the official documentation. To provide a more user-friendly way, we wrote a script which can be directly used to generate required owl files by passing some simple arguments. An example is shown as follows,
from meteor_reasoner.datagenerator import generate_owl
univ_nume = 1 # input the number of universities you want to generate
dir_name = "./data" # input the directory path used for the generated owl files.
generate_owl.generate(univ_nume, dir_name)
In ./data, you should obtain a serial of owl files like below,
Then, we need to convert the owl files to datalog-like facts. We also prepare a script that can be directly used to do the conversion.
from meteor_reasoner.datagenerator import generate_datalog
owl_path = "owl_data" # input the dir_path where owl files locate
out_dir = "./output" # input the path for the converted datalog triplets
generate_datalog.extract_triplets(owl_path, out_dir)
In ./output, you should see a ./output/owl_data containing data in the form of
and ./output/statistics.txt containing the statistics information about the converted datalog-like data in the form of
The number of unique entities:18092
The number of triplets:8604
Up to now, we only construct the atemporal data, so the final step will be adding temporal information (intervals) to these atemporal data. We create a script to automatically add intervals to the atemporal data. The required arguments are shown as follows
--datalog_file_path DATALOG_FILE_PATH
--factnum FACTNUM
--intervalnum INTERVALNUM
--unit UNIT
--punctual specify whether we only add punctual intervals
--openbracket specify whether we need to add open brackets
--min_val MIN_VAL
--max_val MAX_VAL
To be more specific, assuming that we have a datalog-like dataset in datalog/datalog_data.txt, if we want to create a dataset containing 10000 facts and each facts has at most 2 intervals, we can run he following command
python --datalog_file_path datalog/datalog_data.txt --factnum 10000 --intervalnum 2
In the datalog/10000.txt, there should be 10000 facts, each of which in the form P(a,b)@\varrho, and a sample of facts are shown as follows,
Generated LUBM Dataset: Download
For the dataset generation based on the iItemporal platform, we refer readers to the official github repository, where a nice web-based interface and an easy-to-configure file have been provided for the data generation. A more technical details about iTemporal can also be found in their ICDE 2022.
Generated iTemporal Dataset: Download
It is a freely available dataset with meteorological observations over the years 1949–2010. The original dataset could be downalod here, which consists of daily and monthly weather data from 16 states of the USA. You can construct temporal datasets from this large-scale original weather according to your norms.
We define the following notations to represent the six MTL operators:
- Diamondminus[1,2] or SOMETIME[-2,-1]
- Boxminus[1,2] or ALWAYS[-2,-1]
- Diamondplus[1,2] or SOMETIME[1,2]
- Boxplus[1,2] or ALWAYS[1,2]
- Since[1,2]
- Until[1,2]
We use ":-" to separate the head and the body atoms and "," as the separator between different metric atoms in the body. Besides, constants are represented with the combination of different alphabets in which the first letter should be lowercase; on the contrary, variables are represented with the combination of different alphabets in which the first letter should be uppercase.
As an example, a rule could be written as follows,
A(X):- B(a), SOMETIME[-1,0]C(X), Diamondminus[1,2]D(X)
Currently, there are DatalogMTL program from real-world applications, so most of DatalogMTL rule sets are manually created. Here, we mention two rule sets widely used in our experiments. One is LUBM program, which is extended the 56 plain Datalog rules obtained from the OWL 2 RL fragment of LUBM with 29 temporal rules involving recursion and mentioning all metric operators available in DatalogMTL. Our constructed DatalogMTL program could be found here.
Besides, Brandt et al. 2018 have constructed two DatalogMTL program sets, but the datasets they used are not publicly available. Here, we adapted their weather DatalogMTL program to obtain a a non-recursive program ΠW consisting of 4 rules, which are applicable to the Meteorological Benchmark. The four rules could be found here.
Finally, we also suggest you to use the aforementioned iTemporal, which can automatically generate both the dataset and the program.
You can install MeTeoR using Python's package manager pip
- Python>=3.7
- Numpy>=1.16.0
- pandas>=0.24.0
- urllib3>=1.24.0
- scikit-learn>=0.20.0
- networkx
- rdflib==4.2.2
- outdated>=0.2.0
You can install the required packages using the following command:
pip install "numpy==1.16.0" "pandas==0.24.0" "urllib3==1.24.0" "scikit-learn==0.20.0" "networkx==2.6.3" "rdflib==4.2.2" "outdated==0.2.0"
The recommended way to install MeTeoR is using Python's package manager pip:
pip install - U meteor_reasoner
You can also install MeTeoR from source. This is recommended if you want to contribute to MeTeoR.
git clone
cd MeTeoR
pip install -e .
The format of the datasets and the program could be found in the example foler.
from meteor_reasoner.utils.loader import load_dataset, load_program
data = ["A(a)@1", "B(a)@[1,2]", "C@(1,2]"]
program = ["A(X):-Diamondminus[1,2]A(X)", "D(X):- Boxminus[1,2]A(X), B(X)Since[1,2]C"]
D = load_dataset(data)
Program = load_program(program)
from meteor_reasoner.materialization.materialize import materialize
flag = materialize(D, Program, mode="naive", K=10) # naiave approach
flag = materialize(D, Program, mode="seminaive", K=10) # seminaive approach
flag = materialize(D, Program, mode="opt", K=10) # optimised seminaive approach
The above code snippets shows at most 10 rounds of rule applicatioins and the flag represents whether it reaches to the fixed point. The derived facts will be kept in D.
from meteor_reasoner.canonical.utils import find_periods
from meteor_reasoner.canonical.canonical_representation import CanonicalRepresentation
from meteor_reasoner.utils.operate_dataset import print_dataset
CR = CanonicalRepresentation(D, Program)
D1, common, varrho_left, left_period, left_len, varrho_right, right_period, right_len = find_periods(CR)
if varrho_left is None and varrho_right is None:
print("This program is finitely materialisable for this dataset.")
if varrho_left is not None:
print("left period:", str(varrho_left))
for key, values in left_period.items():
print(str(key), [str(val) for val in values])
print("left period:", "[" + str(CR.base_interval.left_value - CR.w) + "," + str(CR.base_interval.left_value), ")")
if varrho_right is not None:
print("right period:", str(varrho_right))
for key, values in right_period.items():
print(str(key), [str(val) for val in values])
print("right period:", "(" + str(CR.base_interval.right_value), "," + str(CR.base_interval.right_value + CR.w) + "]")
In particular, you can do the fact entailment based on the achieved periodic structure and an example is shown as follows,
from meteor_reasoner.utils.parser import parse_str_fact
from meteor_reasoner.classes.atom import Atom
from meteor_reasoner.canonical.utils import fact_entailment
fact = "A(a)@-20"
predicate, entity, interval = parse_str_fact(fact)
F = Atom(predicate, entity, interval)
print("Entailment:", fact_entailment(D1, F, common, left_period, left_len, right_period, right_len))
The fact is not entailed by the given dataset and the program, so "Entailment: False" will be printed out.
We also built a demo website, which provides a easy-to-use interface for interested users to play with our MeTeoR reasoner. You can visit this link.
If you use MeTeoR in your work, please cite our papers (Bibtex below).
title={Meteor: Practical reasoning in datalog with metric temporal operators},
author={Wang, Dingmin and Hu, Pan and Wa{\l}{\k{e}}ga, Przemys{\l}aw Andrzej and Grau, Bernardo Cuenca},
booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
title={Seminaive Materialisation in DatalogMTL},
author={Wang, Dingmin and Wa{\l}{\k{e}}ga, Przemys{\l}aw Andrzej and Grau, Bernardo Cuenca},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.07100},