S57-tiler creates vectortiles from S57 ENC's which can be used with freeboard-sk see https://github.com/SignalK/freeboard-sk
download a S57 ENC ( see https://opencpn.org/OpenCPN/info/chartsource.html for a list of possible sources), only unencrypted S57 ENC's are supported ( no S63 ).
Create a directory somewhere ( eg "signalk-charts" ) with the subdirectories "enc" and "charts" ( case sensitive )
Extract the downloaded S57 ENC (zip) in the enc directory and run
docker run -v ./signalk-charts:/app/workdir wdantuma/s57-tiler:latest /app/s57-tiler --in workdir/enc --out workdir/charts
After processing ( may take some time ) the directory charts contains the vectortiles, the directory signalk-charts/charts
should be added as a "chart path" in the Signal K charts plugin
go 1.20
GDAL 3.6.2
make builds57tiler
./build/s57-tiler --in <path to directory tree containing catalog.031 files> --out ./static/charts
More options
$ build/s57-tiler --help
Usage of build/s57-tiler:
-at string
-bounds string
-in string
Input path S-57 ENC's (default "./charts")
-maxzoom int
Max zoom (default 14)
-minzoom int
Min zoom (default 14)
-out string
Output directory for vector tiles (default "./static/charts")