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About The Project

Minigun is a highly performant Kubernetes native HTTP benchmark tool written in Go. Besides providing a text or JSON report, it exposes metrics in Prometheus format, which could be scraped from the Minigun's /metrics endpoint or pushed to the Prometheus Push Gateway.

It can be run as a CLI tool on any supported system to run a benchmark, as a Pod inside Kubernetes cluster to constantly provide performance metrics, or as a one time Job.

Getting Started


  1. Download a tarball from the releases page.
  2. Unpack it, example for Linux binary: tar xzf minigun-linux64.tgz
  3. Run it: ./minigun -h

Docker image:

  1. Check available docker image tags
  2. Download the image: docker pull
  3. Run it: docker run --rm -h


Simple examples

Running a test with 50 reqs/sec rate for 30 seconds and sending 5Kb body via POST:

minigun \
  -fire-target http://kube-echo-perf-test.test.cluster.local/echo/2 \
  -send-method POST -random-body-size 5Kb \
  -fire-rate 50 -workers 20 -fire-duration 30s


Starting benchmark
Benchmark is running.
Benchmark is complete.

Target:                              http://kube-echo-perf-test.test.cluster.local/echo/2
Method:                              POST
Duration:                            30.00 seconds
Max concurrency:                     20
Request body size:                   5.0 kB

Completed requests:                  1517
Succeeded requests:                  1517
Failed requests:                     0
Requests per second:                 50.57 (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate (HTTP Message Body)    319 kB/s sent (mean)
                                     253 kB/s sent (mean, across all concurrent requests)
                                     637 kB/s received (mean)
                                     506 kB/s received (mean, across all concurrent requests)
DNS queries                          20
TCP connections                      20
HTTP status codes                    [200:1517]

                           MEAN       MEDIAN      P90        P95        P99
Full request duration      15.69ms    15.74ms     16.70ms    16.86ms    31.42ms
DNS request duration       3.46ms     742.81µs    17.48ms    19.31ms    19.39ms
TCP connection duration    14.28ms    14.30ms     15.10ms    15.30ms    15.86ms
HTTP write request body    41.12µs    39.05µs     50.61µs    56.17µs    76.90µs
HTTP time to first byte    15.61ms    15.65ms     16.63ms    16.78ms    31.36ms
HTTP response duration     15.34ms    15.59ms     16.56ms    16.70ms    17.34ms

Running a test via HTTPS with custom Host header and interrupting it in the middle:

minigun \
  -insecure -fire-target \
  -http-header Host:kube-echo-perf-test.test.cluster.local \
  -send-method POST -random-body-size 5Kb \
  -fire-rate 20 -workers 20 -fire-duration 30s


Starting benchmark
Benchmark is running.
Received signal: interrupt
Benchmark is complete.

Method:                              POST
Duration:                            10.96 seconds
Max concurrency:                     20
Request body size:                   5.0 kB

Completed requests:                  222
Succeeded requests:                  222
Failed requests:                     0
Requests per second:                 20.25 (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate (HTTP Message Body)    279 kB/s sent (mean)
                                     101 kB/s sent (mean, across all concurrent requests)
                                     558 kB/s received (mean)
                                     202 kB/s received (mean, across all concurrent requests)
TCP connections                      20
TLS Handshakes                       20
HTTP status codes                    [200:222]

                           MEAN       MEDIAN     P90        P95        P99
Full request duration      17.94ms    15.43ms    17.01ms    44.79ms    48.32ms
TCP connection duration    13.86ms    13.94ms    14.82ms    15.04ms    15.11ms
TLS handshake duration     16.04ms    15.99ms    17.01ms    17.16ms    21.86ms
HTTP write request body    69.15µs    62.11µs    81.12µs    87.90µs    126.59µs
HTTP time to first byte    17.85ms    15.35ms    16.92ms    44.71ms    48.23ms
HTTP response duration     15.06ms    15.20ms    16.13ms    16.32ms    17.02ms

Since we're using IP address and https:// scheme in this second example, please note that DNS metrics are no longer reported but instead we have new TLS related metrics.

One more example for JSON report:

minigun \
  -fire-target http://kube-echo-perf-test.test.cluster.local/ \
  -fire-rate 50 -workers 20 -fire-duration 15s -report json | jq '.RequestsCompleted'


Pushing metrics to Prometheus Pushgateway

In this example we're running Minigun on one of the Kubernettes nodes and we're pushing metrics to the Prometheus Pushgateway endpoint (ClusterIP Kubernetes service)

minigun \
  -fire-target http://kube-echo-perf-test.test.cluster.local/echo/2 \
  -fire-rate 20 -fire-duration 10m -insecure -workers 20 \
  -disable-keep-alive -send-method POST -random-body-size 1Kb \
  -push-gateway -name ssl-test

Please note that you can add -name YOUR_NAME_HERE argument to set custom name label value for metrics exported to Prometheus. This could be useful to separate your test metrics from others.

Understanding report

minigun metrics

You can read detailed explanation of reported metrics by using CLI help:

minigun -report-help

Or by checking the following documentation page

Grafana Dashboard

Chart examples from Minigun Grafana dashboard: minigun grafana main minigun grafana tcp and dns

Please note that this dashboard was designed for a multi-cluster environment in which every cluster has a unique cluster_name label on every metric, which is implemented via Prometheus global.external_labels config option.

Local Development


This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.

  • Docker for image build.
  • Golang 1.22 for local binary build.

Building a Docker image

docker-compose build


docker build .

Building a local binary

If you want to go run or build locally with your system Golang instead of docker, you need to do this:

  1. Put this app directory to your $GOPATH (if env is not set you can check with go env):

    cp -a ./  ~/go/src/
  2. Go to your working directory:

    cd ~/go/src/
  3. Edit files.

  4. Create vendor to speed up re-builds (it will be also used if you build in Docker):

    make get-deps
  5. Build binary for your local OS:

    make local-build
  6. Run it:

    ./minigun -h


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).

Release Management

  • Push changes via Github Pull Requests, review and merge them.
  • Change the version constant in the main.go file.
  • Add all changes introduced since the last release to the file.
  • When the new release is ready, draft a new release:
    • Make sure to specify a new tag, make sure to follow SemVer spec.
  • Publish the new release.
  • All artifacts should be published automatically shortly after the new release is published.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. For detailed contributing guidelines, please see


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Alexander Didenko - @adidenko

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