This respository (hecrasio) demonstrates how to read information from a HEC-RAS .hdf file. HEC-RAS input and output is processed and displayed by running the QA/QC - LWI Jupyter notebook. The notebook should be run within a Docker container created with the file Dockerfile.hecrasio. The Docker container is created by running the docker-compose file (with VS code or through the command line). Once the docker container is runnning, the Jupyter notebook QA/QC - LWI is accessed by opening a web browser (e.g., Chrome), going to the web address of localhost:8889, and entering the password 'LWI'.
For using the QA/QC notebook in examining HEC-RAS data, the HEC-RAS .hdf file should be uploaded to the folder 'data/processed'.
├── build <- Files for building environments
│ └── docker <- Docker-compose, Dockerfile, requirements, etc. for the project.
├── data
│ └── processed <- The folder to store HEC-RAS .hdf files for analysis with the notebook
├── notebooks <- LWI QA/QC notebook for HEC-RAS input/output analysis
├── src <- Source code for use in this project.
│ ├── <- Makes src a Python module
│ │
│ └── data <- Scripts to download or generate data
│ └── hecrasio <- Scripts to analyze the HEC-RAS input/output