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Wai Ho Leung edited this page May 1, 2014 · 4 revisions

WikiAPI ReferenceFile

# wb.createDownloadUrl(evt)

Creates a URL for the current scripts.

  • evt: The event that triggers calls this function.


# wb.creatgetFileseDownloadUrl(evt)

Gets the existing scripts from drag-and-drop event and loads the first scripts.

  • evt: The event that triggers calls this function.


# wb.loadCurrentScripts(queryParsed)

Loads the scripts from a parsed query object.

  • queryParsed: The parsed query object.


# wb.loadRecentGists()

Populates the gist submenu with recent gists.


# wb.loadScriptsFromFilesystem(event)

Loads the existing scripts from filesystem.

  • event: The event that triggers calls this function.


# wb.loadScriptsFromGistId(id)

  • id: The ID of the Gist to be loaded.

Loads the existing scripts from gist.


# wb.saveCurrentScripts()

Saves the current scripts to local storage.


# wb.saveCurrentScriptsToGist(event)

Saves the current scripts to gist.

  • event: The event that triggers calls this function.
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