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Wai Ho Leung edited this page Apr 17, 2014 · 10 revisions

WikiAPI ReferenceEvent

Utilities for handling event delegation, normalization between touch and mouse/trackpad events, custom events, and tying events to blocks.

# Event.on(elem, eventname, selector, handler[, onceOnly])

Attaches an event handler function for one or more events to the selected elements.

  • elem: The elements that will have the event attached.
  • eventname: A string representing the event type to listen for.
  • handler: A function to execute when the event is triggered.
  • onceOnly: true if the event is only handled once; false otherwise.


#, eventname, handler)

Removes an event handler.

  • elem: The elements that will have the event removed.
  • eventname: A string representing the event type being removed.
  • handler: The handler to be removed.


# Event.once(elem, eventname, selector, handler)

Registers an event handler on the event target and removes it immediately after the event is fired.

  • elem: The elements that will have the event attached.
  • eventname: A string representing the event type to listen for once.
  • selector:
  • handler:


# Event.trigger(elemOrSelector, eventname, data)

Executes all handlers and behaviors attached to the matched elements for the given event type.

  • elemOrSelector: The elements that will have the event triggered.
  • eventname: A string representing the event type to be triggered.
  • data:
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