this swift package include products as follow:
ExarotonHTTP: httpclient which generated use the swift-openapi-generator and exaroton openapi spec, you can view OpenAPI Spec with Swagger Editor
ExarotonWebSocket: websocket feature
Add Dependency: ExarotonHTTP
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", branch: "main"),
targets: [
name: "Your Target Name",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ExarotonHTTP", package: "ExarotonAPI"),
Use ExarotonHTTP:
import Foundation
import ExarotonHTTP
import OpenAPIRuntime
import OpenAPIURLSession
struct HttpUsageDemo {
static func main() async throws {
let yourAccountToken = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["TOKEN"] ?? ""
let client = Client(
serverURL: try! Servers.server1(),
transport: URLSessionTransport(),
middlewares: [AuthenticationMiddleware(token: yourAccountToken)]
let response = try await client.getAccount()
switch response {
case .ok(let ok):
if let data = try,
let name = {
print("account: \(name)")
case .forbidden(let forbidden):
let json = try forbidden.body.json
print(json.error ?? "")
case .undocumented(let statusCode, let unknownPayload):
print("statusCode:\(statusCode), payload: \(unknownPayload)")
For More Use Cases:
- ππ» http client unittests
Add Dependency: ExarotonWebSocket
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", branch: "main"),
targets: [
name: "Your Target Name",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ExarotonWebSocket", package: "ExarotonAPI"),
Use ExarotonWebSocket:
import Foundation
import ExarotonWebSocket
import Starscream
struct WebSocketUsageDemo {
static func main() async throws {
let socket = ExarotonWebSocketAPI(
token: ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["TOKEN"] ?? "your_account_token",
serverId: ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SERVER"] ?? "your_server_id",
delegate: ServerEventHandler()
try await wait(for: socket.timeout)
let consoleStreamMessage = ExarotonMessage(
stream: .console,
type: StreamType.start,
data: ["tail": 2]
socket.client.write(stringData: try consoleStreamMessage.toData) {
print("console stream start completed!")
try await wait(for: socket.timeout)
static func wait(for minutes: Double) async throws {
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: UInt64(1_000_000_000 * minutes))
final class ServerEventHandler: ExarotonServerEventHandlerProtocol {
func onReady(serverID: String?) {
print("server ready: \(serverID ?? "")")
func onConnected() {
print("server connected")
func onDisconnected(reason: String?) {
print("server disconnected: \(reason ?? "")")
func onKeepAlive() {
print("server keep alive")
func onStatusChanged(_ info: ExarotonWebSocket.Server?) {
if let info {
print("status: \(info)")
func onStreamStarted(_ stream: ExarotonWebSocket.StreamCategory?) {
if let stream {
print("stream started: \(stream)")
func onStreamStopped(_ stream: StreamCategory?) {
if let stream {
print("stream stopped: \(stream)")
func onConsoleLine(_ line: String?) {
if let line {
print("console line: \(line)")
func onTick(_ tick: ExarotonWebSocket.Tick?) {
if let tick {
print("tick: \(tick)")
func onStats(_ stats: ExarotonWebSocket.Stats?) {
if let stats {
print("stats: \(stats)")
func onHeap(_ heap: ExarotonWebSocket.Heap?) {
if let heap {
print("heap: \(heap)")
// MARK: WebSocketDelegate
func didReceive(event: Starscream.WebSocketEvent, client: any Starscream.WebSocketClient) {
// all events, if you need process them your self
For More Use Cases:
- ππ» Send Message
- ππ» Receive Message
If you want to contribute to this project, you can use your Mac device and install the Xcode(>= 15.3)
to get start
Run shell command as follow to get the project and open it with xcode editor:
$ git clone
$ cd ExarotonAPI && xed .
when you open the project with Xcode, and the dependencies be pull to local, you can open the target schema:
add environment variables TOKEN
secrets of you into the schema
TOKEN: The Exaroton Account Info for you to access your server
SERVER: The Exaroton Server ID
POOL: The Exaroton Credit Pool ID
Then you can run all this unit test with shortcut: CMD+U
or you can run tests from menu of Product -> Test
If things goes well, you will see the unittests run and success or fail as follow: