Search for your favorite Pokémanz by name or type(s). The first 151 will be available for sure, since we all know that the O.G generation is the best. Including the monsters in subsequent generations TBA.
- To be able to search for Pokemon by name and/or type.
- Myself and for whoever likes Pokemon
- I am using this project as a way to learn more about Javascript and Jquery while strengthening the knowledge that I gained from the past two weeks of learning. I will consume an API via Javascript to pull up a Pokemon's information.
- I originally wanted to demonstrate my knowledge of Ruby on Rails for the bulk of the project and use Javascript/Jquery as nice "extras", but I decided to go with latter. This is because I'm not envisioning any functionality for users to persist any information. If I do want to add functionality for users to be able to save information to the database, I will use Ruby to do that.
Should I be using Ruby on Rails + MVC pattern???
- Technologies:
- Pokemon API
- Front-end: Javascript, Jquery (framework), HTML, CSS
- Patterns: Potential closures with Javascript?.. RESTFUL API calls
- Not exactly sure what this question means...
- Not sure if I should/could be using Ruby on Rails + MVC without compromising efficiency of just using Javascript.
- Being able to successfully search a Pokemon by its name or type(s). Also want to include functionaltiy for users to be able to get list of all pokemon by type.