- Python version 3.11 and above is required.
- Install Poetry package manager to install all the dependencies.
- A MySQL client is required for database operations in your local machine. On macos, you can install via
brew install mysql-client
orbrew install mysql
. Don't forget to add it to PATH. - This project requires wacruit-judge which is the fork version of Judge0. To test this project, you first need to clone wacruit-judge and run it using docker-compose.
Run the following command to install all the dependencies:
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
poetry install
The above command will install all the required dependencies in a virtual environment. Ensure that poetry have created .venv
folder inside the project root. Otherwise pre-commit hooks won't work.
This repository uses pre-commit hooks to ensure consistent code quality. To install pre-commit hooks, run the following command:
pre-commit install
To generate migrations you should run:
# For automatic change detection.
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "revision summary"
# For empty file generation.
alembic revision
If you want to migrate your database, you should run following commands:
# To perform all pending migrations.
alembic upgrade head
# To run all migrations until the migration with revision_id.
alembic upgrade <revision_id>
If you want to revert migrations, you should run:
# Revert everything.
alembic downgrade base
# revert all migrations up to: revision_id.
alembic downgrade <revision_id>
docker run --name wacruit-test \
-e MYSQL_USER=test-user \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root-password \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=testdb \
-p 3307:3306 \
-d mysql:5.7 # or mysql:latest
- Define a Dockerfile to run the application(
) and expose the port(8080
). - Using Github Actions, build and push a Docker image of
repository to ECR.-
- Configure AWS Credentials (aws-access-key-id, aws-secret-access-key, aws-region)
- Login to ECR (aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login@v1)
- Build/Tag/Push an image to ECR
- Define a Dockerfile to run the application(
- ecr-heimdall (link)
ECR push event triggers AWS Lambda function to update manifest files in waffle-world.
docker build -t ecr-heimdall . --platform linux/amd64
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -v ~/.aws/ccredentials:/root/.aws/credentials -it ecr-heimdall
ArgoCD detects the change in the manifest file and deploys the new image in
- GitOps
- With ArgoCD,
lets the new image to be deployed as a Deployment API resource. - Define a manifest file in waffle-world/apps/[projectName] including Deployment, ServiceAccount, Service, VirtualService, etc.
- DevOps tools(ex. Istio, Prometheus, etc.) have been managed by Helm(/charts) and kubectl command(/misc).
- With ArgoCD,