This is a project of some commonlly used tools in Source Tree or SmartGit for Mooncake Content Team.
Install Source Tree or SmartGit.
Install Python 3.5.
Use pip to install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open Source Tree, and click Tools > Options in the tool bar.
In the Options popup, click Custom Actions > Add.
In the Edit Custom Action popup, enter a meaningful name for your custom action. Check Open in a separate window and Show Full Output.
Note: The Open in a separate window is highly recommended, because it allows your to run multiple action at the same time.
Click "..." to choose the python executable. It's located at "C:/python34/" by default for Python 3.4.
Enter the Parameters for your custom action, and click OK to save the Custom Action.
After you have added the custom action, you can find it by right clicking a file or a commit, and choose Custom Aciotns
Note: After the Custom Action is being added, you need to reopn your repo to see the action in the menu.
Or, click Aciotns in the tool bar, and choose Custom Aciotns
Open SmartGit, and click Edit > Preferences in the tool bar.
In the Preferences popup, click Tools > Add...
In the Add popup, enter enter a meaningful name for your custom action, and check Show output and wait until finished if you need to see the output of the action.
Note: The Show output and wait until finished option is different from Source Tree, if you need the output in SmartGit, you have to wait until finished. Furthormore, if the output is to long, SmartGit cannot display it all.
Choose the Python executable, and enter arguments for it. Click OK to save the custom tool.
After the custom tool is added, you can find it by right clicking a file.
Or, Click Tools in the tool bar.
This action is for Souce Tree, because SmartGit has already had a build-in action that doed this thing.
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ copy_relative_path $FILE
This action is for Souce Tree, because SmartGit has already had a build-in action that doed this thing.
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ copy_relative_name $FILE
Source Tree:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ check_broken_link $REPO/$FILE /path/to/techcontent/
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ check_broken_link ${filePath} /path/to/techcontent/
Note: Be aware that
must be ended with "/".
Source Tree and SmartGit:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ replace_date /path/to/azure-content-pr/ /path/to/techcontent/
Note: Be aware that
must be ended with "/".
Source Tree:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ update_wacn_date --today $REPO $FILE
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ update_wacn_date_smartgit --today ${selectionFile}
Note: This tool updates the to be today for the selected files. If you want to update it to be a specific date, just replace
by the date you want.
Source Tree:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ open_ppe_in_browser $FILE
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ open_ppe_in_browser ${filePath}
Source Tree:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ open_production_in_browser $FILE
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ open_production_in_browser ${filePath}
Source Tree:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ check_broken_link_multiple /path/to/techcontent/ $REPO $FILE
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ check_broken_link_multiple_smartgit /path/to/techcontent/ ${selectionFile}
Note: Be aware that
must be ended with "/".
Source Tree:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ replace_properties_and_tags $REPO $FILE
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ replace_properties_and_tags_smartgit ${selectionFile}
Source Tree:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ replace_code_notation $REPO $FILE
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ replace_code_notation_smartgit ${selectionFile}
Source Tree:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ customize_files $REPO $FILE
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ customize_files_smartgit ${selectionFile} ${repositoryRootPath}
Source Tree:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ customize_files_compare $REPO /path/to/azure-content-mooncake-pr $FILE
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ customize_files_compare_smartgit ${repositoryRootPath} /path/to/azure-content-mooncake-pr ${selectionFile}
Note: In order to use this tool, you need to be carefull with the following few things.
This tool must be run for the Acom repo. And, within the Acom repo, there are must be a branch named "lastmonthcustomized" whose files are customized with the previous 3 tools.
The differences between mooncake-pr and the branch "lastmonthcustomized" of Acom must be the customization you have done to the file. No more no less, not even a new line or an empty space.
Be careful with adding contents into an article, because I have no idea with where the contents will be added after the tool is run, if the article is changed a lot.
Source Tree:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ pantool $REPO $FILE
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ pantool_smartgit ${repositoryRootPath} ${selectionFile}
Source Tree:
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ replace_script $REPO /path/to/azure-docs-cli-python-samples/ /path/to/azure-docs-powershell-samples/ $FILE
/path/to/SourceTreeScript/SourceTreeScript/ replace_script_smartgit ${repositoryRootPath} /path/to/azure-docs-cli-python-samples/ /path/to/azure-docs-powershell-samples/ ${selectionFile}