Author: WebDesign Master | Manual in Russian
OptimizedHTML is all-inclusive, optimized for Google PageSpeed start HTML5 template with Bootstrap (grid only), Gulp, Sass, Browsersync, Autoprefixer, PostCSS, Uglify, gulp-imagemin, Vinyl-FTP, rsync and Bower (libs path) support. The template contains a .htaccess file with caching rules for web server.
OptimizedHTML Start Template uses the best practices of web development and optimized for Google PageSpeed.
The template uses a Sass with Sass syntax and project structure with source code in the directory app/ and production folder dist/, that contains ready project with optimized HTML, CSS, JS and images.
- Download optimizedhtml-start-template from GitHub
- Install WSL (for Windows):
- Install Node Modules in project folder:
npm i
- Run the template:
- gulp: run default gulp task (sass, js, watch, browserSync) for web development;
- build: build project to dist folder (cleanup, image optimize, removing unnecessary files);
- deploy: project deployment on the server from dist folder via FTP;
- rsync: project deployment on the server from dist folder via RSYNC;
- clearcache: clear all gulp cache.
- All HTML files should have similar initial content as in app/index.html;
- For installing new JS library, just run the command "bower i plugin-name" in the terminal. Libraries are automatically placed in the folder app/libs. Bower must be installed in the system (npm i -g bower). Then place all JS libraries paths in the js() task (gulpfile.js);
- All custom JS located in app/js/common.js;
- All Sass vars placed in app/sass/_vars.sass;
- All Fonts placed in app/sass/_fonts.sass with "_mixins/font-face" mixin
- All Bootstrap media queries placed in app/sass/_media.sass;
- All JS libraries CSS styles placed in app/sass/_libs.sass;